How to pass Bindings to views in SwiftUI's NavigationDestination modifier

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In SwiftUI, it’s common to display a list of items and allow users to navigate to a detail view when an item is selected. To show more information and enable editing in the detail view, you’ll need to pass a binding of the selected item to the detail view.

However, the common way of using ForEach loops, NavigationLinks and the .navigationDestination modifier is with the wrapped value of a binding rather than the binding itself, and it is not immediately clear how Bindings can be used in these cases.

Let’s consider a very simple app that shows a list of notes, which are stored in a @State property. These notes are rendered using a ForEach loop and each note is wrapped in a NavigationLink with its value set to the note itself:

import SwiftUI

struct Note: Identifiable, Hashable, Equatable, Sendable {
    let id: UUID
    let title: String
    var body: String

struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var notes = [
        Note(id: UUID(), title: "Shopping list", body: "Buy carrots"),
        Note(id: UUID(), title: "TODO list", body: "Release app"),
        Note(id: UUID(), title: "Meeting notes", body: "Fix a bug")
    var body: some View {
        NavigationStack {
            HStack(alignment: .top) {
                VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 24) {
                    ForEach(notes) { note in
                        NavigationLink(value: note) {
                            VStack(alignment: .leading) {
            .navigationDestination(for: Note.self) { note in
                VStack(alignment: .leading) {
            .frame(maxWidth: .infinity)

As you can see, this approach is very straightforward and works well when you only need to display the note’s information. However, what if you want to allow the user to edit the note’s body in a TextField? How would you pass a binding of the note’s body to the detail view? Let’s explore two approaches that will very easily allow you to do this.

The first approach and my personal favorite is to use a Binding to a Note as the value to the NavigationLink and then modify the .navigationDestination modifier to accept events with the Binding<Note> type. On top of this, you can also pass a binding to the notes array to the ForEach loop, which will make each of the items in the loop be of Binding<Note> type instead of Note:

import SwiftUI

struct Note: Identifiable, Hashable, Equatable, Sendable {
    let id: UUID
    let title: String
    var body: String

struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var notes = [
        Note(id: UUID(), title: "Shopping list", body: "Buy carrots"),
        Note(id: UUID(), title: "TODO list", body: "Release app"),
        Note(id: UUID(), title: "Meeting notes", body: "Fix a bug")
    var body: some View {
        NavigationStack {
            HStack(alignment: .top) {
                VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 24) {
                    ForEach($notes) { noteBinding in
                        NavigationLink(value: noteBinding) {
                            VStack(alignment: .leading) {
            .navigationDestination(for: Binding<Note>.self) { noteBinding in
                VStack(alignment: .leading) {
                    TextField("", text: noteBinding.body)
            .frame(maxWidth: .infinity)

There is one more thing we need to add to make this approach work. The .navigationDestination modifier requires that the type it is used with conforms to the Hashable protocol. Unfortunately, Bindings are not Hashable or Equatable by default, so we need to create a small extension to make them conform to these protocols:

import SwiftUI

extension Binding: @retroactive Hashable where Value: Hashable {
    public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {

extension Binding: @retroactive Equatable where Value: Equatable {
    public static func == (lhs: Binding<Value>, rhs: Binding<Value>) -> Bool {
        lhs.wrappedValue == rhs.wrappedValue

The extensions are rather straightforward and simply forward the hashValue and == comparison to the wrapped value of the binding.

Creating a Binding

If you’d like a different approach and don’t want to use Bindings for navigation, you can use the Binding initializer and modify the specific note in the notes array directly:

import SwiftUI

struct Note: Identifiable, Hashable, Equatable, Sendable {
    let id: UUID
    let title: String
    var body: String

struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var notes = [
        Note(id: UUID(), title: "Shopping list", body: "Buy carrots"),
        Note(id: UUID(), title: "TODO list", body: "Release app"),
        Note(id: UUID(), title: "Meeting notes", body: "Fix a bug")
    var body: some View {
        NavigationStack {
            HStack(alignment: .top) {
                VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 24) {
                    ForEach(notes.indices, id: \.self) { noteIndex in
                        NavigationLink(value: noteIndex) {
                            VStack(alignment: .leading) {
            .navigationDestination(for: Array<Note>.Index.self) { noteIndex in
                VStack(alignment: .leading) {
                    TextField("", text: binding(for: noteIndex).body)
            .frame(maxWidth: .infinity)
    private func binding(for id: Array<Note>.Index) -> Binding<Note> {
        Binding {
        } set: { newNote in
            notes[id] = newNote

To make the navigation more performant and future proof as the array of notes grows, we use the index for the selected note in the notes array for navigation. This way we don’t need to look up the note by its ID every time we navigate to the detail view and can reference it directly by its index. While this change might not seem significant, it has performance implications as finding an item in an array is an O(n) operation, while accessing an item by its index is just O(1).