Learn all about Swift with these posts

Swift is a powerful and intuitive programming language for macOS, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS.

Understanding mergeable libraries

An initial deep dive into what mergeable libraries are and how they can be configured in Xcode.

How to avoid a big refactor with the @_exported attribute

A practical use case of the @_exported underscore attribute to avoid a big refactor.

Managing multiple versions of Swift locally

A guide on how to download, install and manage different versions of Swift.

Platform specific code in Swift Packages

A set of examples showing how useful compiler directives can become when building cross-platform Swift programs.

From NSRegularExpression to SwiftRegex

An example of the new SwiftRegex API by refactoring code using NSRegularExpression using the new RegexBuilder framework.

Localising a modularised application

A few tips that work for me when I need to localise a modular application.

Custom key decoding strategies in Swift

How to take advantage of the custom key decoding strategies to avoid unnecessary CodingKeys implementations

Using Property Wrappers to avoid code repetition

Exploring how Property Wrappers can come in handy to avoid code repetition

Hiding implementation details using the adapter pattern in Swift

How to hide implementation details using the adapter pattern and decoupling multiple layers of an application, making it easy to test and adapt.

Testing dates consistently

A quick look at how very simple dependency injection 💉 can help testing date differences using cache invalidation as an example.

Clean Architecture: A Feature Flag Manager

Building a Feature Flag Manager system using clean architecture and SOLID design principles.

Using .switchToLatest()

In this post, we are going to talk about an operator that I have been using quite a lot recently and, in my opinion, is one of the most powerful within the Combine API.