Using withObservationTracking to monitor changes in @Observable properties outside SwiftUI views

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Swift’s Observation framework provides a powerful set of APIs that allow developers to implement type-safe observation of properties in objects of their choice with very little code.

The core part of the framework is the @Observable macro, which when applied to a class, it makes all of its properties observable unless marked otherwise with the @ObservationIgnored macro.

This pattern is commonly used in SwiftUI in combination with the @State macro. Re-rendering a view based on a class’ property’s value is as simple as:

  1. Creating a class with the property you would like to render and decorating it with the @Observable macro.
  2. Creating an instance of the class and storing it as a @State property in your view.
  3. Using the class’ property in your view’s body.
import SwiftUI

class ContentViewModel {
    var value: Int = 0

struct ContentView: View {
    @State var model = ContentViewModel()

    var body: some View {
        Text("Value: \(model.value)")

With the code above, the ContentView view will re-render whenever the model.value property changes. It really is that simple!

Observing changes outside of a view

What happens if you would like to react to changes to the value property outside of a SwiftUI view?

The Observation framework provides a function called withObservationTracking that notifies you whenever one or more properties of an @Observable object change. Here’s how we can use it from a class that is not @Observable:

import Observation

class ValueObserver {
    let model: ContentViewModel

    @MainActor init(model: ContentViewModel) {
        self.model = model

        withObservationTracking {
        } onChange: {

There are a few things that are not immediately obvious about the withObservationTracking function:

  • The apply (first) closure is called immediately when registering the observation. The properties you are interested in observing should be accessed in this closure for them to be observed.
  • The onChange (second) closure is called only the first time that any property you are observing changes. Any subsequent changes will not trigger this closure.
  • The onChange closure has didSet semantics, meaning that the properties you are observing will have the old values when being accessed in this closure.

How to continuously observe changes

As you can see, as it stands, the withObservationTracking function is not very intuitive to use or useful in its original form. In fact, I only really understood how it worked and managed to make it work in a way that suited my needs after reading this amazing thread on the Swift forums.

After reading all the proposed solutions in the thread, I ended up with the following approach thanks to this answer from the user @tera:

import Observation
import Foundation

public func withObservationTracking<T: Sendable>(of value: @Sendable @escaping @autoclosure () -> T, execute: @Sendable @escaping (T) -> Void) {
    Observation.withObservationTracking {
    } onChange: {
        RunLoop.current.perform {
            withObservationTracking(of: value(), execute: execute)

This function continuously observes the value of the property you are interested in and calls the execute closure whenever any of the properties change. Running the execute closure on the current run loop ensures that didSet semantics are applied correctly and that the properties you are observing have the correct values.

We can now update the ValueObserver class to use this new function:

import Observation

class ValueObserver {
    let model: ContentViewModel

    @MainActor init(model: ContentViewModel) {
        self.model = model

        withObservationTracking(of: model.value) {