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In this blog I talk about all things Apple and Swift development but my main area of focus is on tooling and automation.

Looking back at my 2023

A look back at what I have been up to in 2023 and what I am trying to achieve in 2024.

How to get the most played Apple Music songs and albums using Swift

Learn how to get the most played Apple Music songs and albums for a given user with MusicKit and MediaPlayer.

Enable upcoming Swift features

How to effectively adopt upcoming Swift 6 features in your Swift Packages and Xcode targets today.

Distributing a Swift Macro using CocoaPods

Learn how to create and distribute a Swift macro as a CocoaPods library.

How to import Swift macros without using Swift Package Manager

How to compile a Swift macro into a binary and import it into your Xcode project without using Swift Package Manager.

Using Swift SDKs to cross-compile Swift packages to Linux

Learn about Swift SDKs and how you can use them to cross-compile Swift code to other platforms such as Linux.

Migrating a Core Data store to an App Group shared container

How to make an existing Core Data store accessible to widgets without losing any existing data.

Building and testing Swift packages on Windows using GitHub Actions

Learn how to use the gha-setup-swift action to setup a CI/CD pipeline to build and test your Swift package on Windows using GitHub Actions.

Launching a SwiftUI view from the terminal

Learn how to launch a SwiftUI view directly from your Swift command-line tool without making a full-blown macOS application.

Adding an Info.plist file to a Swift executable

Find out how to add extra information to your Swift command-line tool through an Info.plist file while keeping it as a single-file executable.

Using Core Data and Swift Data side by side

How to set up Core Data and Swift Data to use the same data store in your app.

MusicKit and App Clips

A real-world example of the limitations of App Clips using MusicKit as an example, and how to work around them.