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In this blog I talk about all things Apple and Swift development but my main area of focus is on tooling and automation.

Free, on-device translations with the Swift Translation API

During WWDC24, Apple announced the Swift Translation API, a new framework that allows you to perform on-device translations in your Swift apps entirely for free. In this post, we'll take a look at all the different ways you can use the new API to translate text between languages in your apps.

Getting started with Swift Testing

All you need to know about Apple's macro-based testing library available from Xcode 16 and the Swift 6 Toolchain.

How to create a SwiftUI floating window in macOS 15

Leverage the power of the new SwiftUI APIs in macOS 15 to create a movable and resizable floating window that stays on top of every other window

Removing components from a Date in Swift

Learn how you can use the Calendar and DateComponents APIs to remove specific information like hours or minutes from a Date in Swift.

How to build segmented circular progress views in SwiftUI with Swift Charts

How to leverage the power of the Swift Charts library to build circular progress views in SwiftUI.

Building a Swift package using the Swift 6 language mode

How to download and install a development version of the Swift 6 compiler and enable the Swift 6 language mode when building your Swift package.

How to profile your app's performance and Main Thread usage with Instruments and os_signposts

Learn how to use Instruments to understand the root cause of app hangs and high Main Thread usage and identify areas where you can optimize your app's performance.

Safely unwrap optional values in SwiftUI bindings

How to use one of SwiftUI's Binding's initializers to safely unwrap its optional value.

Creating an App Store Connect-like picker for macOS with SwiftUI

Learn how to use SwiftUI components such as Menus and Buttons and modifiers like onHover and overlay to create a picker component for macOS similar to the beta group picker in App Store Connect's TestFlight.

Swift 6: Access level on import statements

How to get ready for Swift 6's new import access level feature and make sure that you are not caught by surprise by the breaking changes that come with it.

Use Swift to recursively search for content in a directory's files with Glob patterns and Regular Expressions

How to find content specified by a Regular Expression in a directory's set of files defined by a Glob pattern using Swift.

Master the reduce operator in Swift and make your code more performant

Learn all about Sequence's reduce operator in Swift through a series of real-world examples.